How To Clean Dirt Of Paper Equipment
Inevitably, dirt will appear on the papermaking machine after it is used for long time. The dirt of papermaking equipment is mainly calcium carbonate, calcium oxalate, aluminum scale and so on, as well as a small amount of rust, silicate scale and so on.
Cleaning Calcium Carbonate Dirt
1.In cooking and bleaching, calcium ion from wood, industrial water and evaporating solution forms calcium carbonate dirt.
2.In the cooking and alkali extraction process, calcium carbonate dirt will accumulate on the extraction filtration network to prevent the circulation of evaporating drug solution. In addition, calcium carbonate scale is often found in alkali extraction section and sea wave section, around screen and pulp reconditioner.
Cleaning Calcium Oxalate Dirt
Oxalic acid is a by-product formed by oxidation of lignin in wood during bleaching. Most of the oxalic acid ions in the chlorination section of oblique wire paper machine were eliminated by the pulp washing machine, but all the residual oxalic acid ions in the pulp were connected with calcium, and calcium oxalate dirt was formed on the tower and the screen of pulp washing machine.
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