Home / Solutions / High-speed Stock Washer For Sale

High-speed Stock Washer For Sale

Our customer ordered our high-speed stock washer for their paper project, the high-speed stock washer is used for washing and concentration of various waste recycled pulps and chemical pulps at home and abroad before and after bleaching.


1. Pulp machine: high-speed stock washer
2. Concentration of input pulp: 0.8 – 1.5%
3. Production capacity: 30 – 180t/d
4. Advantages: Less footprint, large production capacity, less power consumption and maintenance.

Do you interested in our company’s high-speed stock washe? Any inquiry with paper making line, feel free to send us an email or leave a m essage. Our email:leizhanpulper@gmail.com

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or call us at +86-371-55129198