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Paper Mill Inflow Pressure Screen

In paper pulp making process, the inflow pressure screen from our company mainly adopted in the approach system before paper machine for paper mill. The pulp machine inflow pressure screen have high efficiency and stable operation. More information are as follows. In addition, we also have pulp and paper machine for paper production line.


1. Type: NLS series
2. Concentration of input pulp(%): 0.4-0.8
3. Advantages: small motor power, high production capacity, energy saving, good effect of homogenate, no fiber hitching. Automatic oil injection device, seal water alarm detection alarm device, etc.
4. Cost: less cost than others.

About pulp machine inflow pressure, our professional enginner will design the technical proposal depend on your demand. Feel free to send us an email or leave a message. Our email:leizhanpulper@gmail.com

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